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Available Properties
This is a great place to showcase available properties. You can also create a web form or Google form to allow property owners to submit their listing to be included on the website.
Businesses are more likely to reach out if they first have aa chance to explore the opportunities. Sometimes it is difficult to get information from owners, but you should strive to list as many available properties as you can gather info on to help showcase opportunities for new businesses.
For Lease
Property Name
Leasing Info & Description
$500-800/month + utilities
Square footage range
Description of property, past businesses that have occupied the space or been successful. Make some recommendations on what would do well in this space.
To view this space or find out more contact:
Phone: (555) 555-5555
Email: list email

For Sale
Property Name
Info & Description
Sale Price
Square footage range
Description of property, past businesses that have occupied the space or been successful. Make some recommendations on what would do well in this space.
To view this space or find out more contact:
Phone: (555) 555-5555
Email: list email