Ebenezer's Attic
909 Main St, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
(336) 838-2842
About the Store
Ebenezer Christian Children’s Home was founded in 1994 as an avenue to provide a loving, Christian environment to children removed from their homes due to neglect or abuse. Ebenezer Christian Children’s Home believes that God has called us to continually share Christ’s love with all those who pass our way. We seek to minister to the spiritual, physical, emotional, and educational needs of the children that have been placed in our care. Ebenezer Christian Children’s Home believes all children have the right to be protected from abuse, to be treated with respect, to have people that listen to them, to have people that care for them, and have a safe and nurturing place to grow up and have their needs met and the support they need to achieve their goals.
The vision of Ebenezer Christian Children’s Home is for all children to have a safe place to laugh, play, and dream.