Downtown North Wilkesboro Partnership, Inc. is a non-profit nationally accredited Main Street community organization dedicated to promoting the historic preservation, protection, culture, and use of North Wilkesboro's traditional downtown district. It receives funds through grants and donations, and fund raising projects like our annual Light Up Downtown holiday festival, seasonal Downtown Art Walks, Block Parties and Social & Shop events. It employs a part-time director and is governed by a board of volunteers. Some of these board members are not residents of North Wilkesboro, but are county residents that understand the importance of an attractive and thriving downtown area to the overall economic health of the county. They know that such a downtown aids in the recruitment of businesses and industries, vacationers, retirees, and others seeking to relocate.
Since our becoming a N.C. Main Street Community in 2000, our primary goal has been to revitalize the downtown area of North Wilkesboro. We will accomplish this by making Downtown North Wilkesboro a vibrant and attractive center of activity for the citizens of Wilkes County, as well as helping the area to become a tool for economic development to attract tourism to the downtown area.
We follow the four points of the Main Street approach, that used together, build a sustainable and complete community revitalization effort.
ECONOMIC VITALITY focuses on capital, incentives, and other economic and financial tools to assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators that drive local economies.
DESIGN supports a community’s transformation by enhancing the physical and visual assets that set the commercial district apart.
PROMOTION positions the downtown or commercial district as the center of the community and hub of economic activity, while creating a positive image that showcases a community’s unique characteristics.
ORGANIZATION involves creating a strong foundation for a sustainable revitalization effort, including cultivating partnerships, community involvement, and resources for the district.